Faculty Industrial Training

The Institute facilitates and provides training to faculty members in Industries of relevance to their expertise during their winter and summer vacation period so that they are exposed to real time issues. This helps them to improve their teaching process in line with the Industry requirement. The following are the number of faculty members who availed this facility during the last five years and the IIP cell meets the expenses involved in this activity. The college is planning to provide Industry training to 25% of the faculty members every year


Year of Training No. of Faculty undergone Industrial Training
2010-2011 7
2011–2012 12
2012-2013 24
2013-2014 38
2014-2015 63
2015-2016 48
2016-2017 97
2017-2018 121
2018-2019 126
2019-2020 103
2020-2021 --
2021-2022 7
2022-2023 -
2023-2024 9